$100m SWEEP project in hot water

Buildings along a nullah in Liaquatabad being demolished to widen the waterway ahead of the monsoons in Karachi, March 18,
2021. Photo: Online/Sabir Mazhar
shortlisted international utility companies as possible private operators. They were International Water,
Thames Water, Severn Trent Water, Générale des Eaux, Lyonnaise des Eaux and Enron. The KW&SB
trade unions and civil society challenged the privatisation in court by 1999 and the entire process was
frozen. The Sindh government formed a committee to look into the matter. It discovered that given the
change of mood in the city, eventually even the World Bank lost its appetite.
dollars for a $100 million Landhi Korangi Sewerage Project. The Orangi Pilot Project team, including
Arif Hasan and Perween Rahman, were left scratching their heads at how big the loan was. They sat
down and took apart the numbers. When they finished, they discovered, and told the Sindh government,
that the same work could be done in $20 million—one-fifth the cost. No foreign loan was needed. The
Sindh governor cancelled the project in 1999.
few port projects, see list at the end).
Nagan Chowrangi after 150mm fell, flooding North Karachi. PHOTO: ONLINE/Sabir Mazhar
The return of the donor dollar
When it returned in 2017, the Sindh government started to sign up for loans for
– Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project (KNIP)
– Competitive and Livable City of Karachi Project (CLICK)
– Karachi Mobility Project (KMP)
– Karachi Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project (KWSSIP)
– Solid Waste Emergency and Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
– Second Karachi Water and Sewerage Services Improvement Project (KWSSIP 2)
Today we are $1,078,000,000 in debt to it.
projects: SWEEP or the Solid Waste Emergency and Efficiency Project.
Heavy monsoon rains triggered floods in Karachi on August 31, 2020. AFP
which drain rainwater away into the sea. Because these waterways are clogged, silted up and hemmed
in by houses on both sides, their paths have to be cleared.
out. The administration abandoned the nullah widening and cleaning. NED University experts were
brought in to map and survey “encroachments”. The demolition squads returned in January. Hundreds
of houses were marked to be torn down. Civil society protests erupted. As people learnt that thousands
of houses along Orangi and Gujjar nullah were next, the panic grew.
other two drains. An estimated 3,000 structures at Gujjar and over 2,000 at Orangi are on the lists. The
official line is that KMC is executing the plan with the help of district administrations.
of Rs15,000 in monthly rent. The total compensation is Rs360,000 for two years.
The retroactive financing mystery
Minister Murad Ali Shah on April 9 as a follow-up on one of their meetings. He referred to their
discussion on the ongoing anti-encroachment drive and the government’s “plan to have a framework
to guide development and equitable resettlement, and the implications for the World Bank’s continued
engagement in projects in Karachi”.
would be made in consultation with stakeholders, particularly those affected, and their representative
organizations. That framework would be shared with the Sindh Cabinet by April 30 so it could be
implemented by May 15.
World Bank’s social and environmental standards are met, as stated in the project’s legal agreements,”
Benhassine wrote. “In the absence of a Resettlement and Rehabilitation framework, future financing
for cleanup of nullahs that are not affected by ongoing anti encroachment drive will not be an option
under SWEEP.”
The World Bank is now saying that demolition along the stormwater drains is not in any way related to
or financed by any “WB-supported projects”. It is saying that SWEEP was approved in December and
only became effective in March, so by that measure it was nowhere near the anti-encroachment
WB asking for answers. They have loosely organised as the Karachi NGOs Joint Action Committee
and Karachi Bachao Tehreek.
plan. They told the bank that the Sindh government was using the WB’s name when demolishing their
support it either. In fact, WB-supported projects will be prohibited from financing any future investment
on the affected nullahs.
Photos: Zara Khan, resident and activist at Gujjar nullah
connection. “Not even a single penny of SWEEP is being used on the current anti-encroachment drives
on nullahs,” he said. “We have not initiated the project yet.”
not even been transferred yet. Channa, who is also the MD of the Sindh Solid Waste Management
Board, said they had pointed out encroachments during a meeting after last year’s monsoon rains.
Photo: SAMAA Digital
encroachments over stormwater drains would be removed,” he said.
supervised by the National Disaster Management Authority, which pays the Sindh government to
execute the anti-encroachment operation. He was not able to specify how much money.
last year the nullah cleaning took around Rs280 million.
And what Zubair Channa is saying is true, except it isn’t the whole truth.
Photos: Zara Khan, resident and activist at Gujjar nullah
on the WB projects. The project was indeed finalized and signed much later, on February 25, 2021.
But: “Last year the nullah desilting and cleaning was done under SWEEP—it was decided that the
government would provide the funds as the project was under discussion and later the funds would
be reimbursed.” This method is called bridge-financing.
“The bank is pissed off with the anti-encroachment drives,” said the officer.
letter to the CM. Just to recall the exact words from his letter to the CM: “It was also discussed that
under the SWEEP project, retroactive financing would only be possible if World Bank’s social and
environmental standards are met, as stated in the project’s legal agreements.” (Our italics)
NEDUET’s projected flooding scenarios for rain in 3hrs at the Mehmoodabad nullah.
that the Sindh government asked for it or the WB had offered it. This would be a large sum of money,
running into the millions of dollars (SWEEP is $100m itself). It is hard to believe a government
would ask to be reimbursed such a large sum out of the blue unless there had been some prior
understanding with the donor.
A 1975 topographic map of Karachi by the Survey of Pakistan showing Manzoor Colony and how Shaheed-e-Millat road cut
off the river. Courtesy: Sumaira Zafar
So we asked the bank…
financing and backed out? “This is not correct,” the bank responded through its External Affairs
Officer Mariam Sara Altaf.
season in 2020, SWEEP included potential funding under Component 1 for the Government of Sindh
to finance emergency cleaning of solid waste from nullahs in 2020. The scope of eligible activities
under this Component 1 was limited to cleaning of solid waste clogging nullahs, transportation of
dredged material to a disposal site, development of a disposal facility for the dredged waste, and
interventions to reduce public dumping of waste into nullahs. Eligible interventions do not include
any removal of encroachments around nullahs.”
Photos: Zara Khan, resident and activist at Gujjar nullah
to be conducted during the 2020 monsoon season (July-September, 2020) only. No funding was
available under SWEEP for nullah cleaning beyond 2020.
anti-encroachment drives in the Gujjar nullah, or any other nullahs in Karachi, have been associated
with, financed under, or conducted in anticipation of SWEEP.”
Sindh government in case of any action taken under SWEEP in which people are displaced. It said
it did.
Map: Orangi Pilot Project RTI
ented in accordance with the principles and requirements of the World Bank’s policies on involuntary
resettlement,” Altaf wrote. This would seem like an admission of guilt, except that a study of the WB
documents reveals that part of SWEEP involved displacing people—at Karachi’s landfill sites, which
are part of the picture. So the bank can claim its involuntary resettlement was referring to this.
Photos: Zara Khan, resident and activist at Gujjar nullah
The missing connection
rhetoric. He argues that the ongoing work at the nullahs are part of SWEEP. For him the connection
is simple.
he told SAMAA Digital. “It is on this basis that I say the removal of poor houses through the anti-
encroachment drives is a part of SWEEP,” he said. The authorities want KMC to do this dirty work
of demolishing houses constructed on nullahs through anti-encroachment drives and then the nullahs
have to be cleaned under SWEEP.
two options: either tell the Sindh government you’re taking the loan back since it is in violation of
your policies or stop the project until you have a proper resettlement framework.
these (NEDUET) satellite surveys as unreliable as they did not factor in surveys on the ground. He
says that even if the WB wanted to have its policies followed it would not have had the right data.
The NED survey of the nullahs and housing along them did not include household numbers. “One
building would have six to seven families,” he said. “It didn’t include the number of stories, family
size. You can’t have a rehabilitation policy based on this report.”
Empress Market demolition drive. SAMAA TV
government to remove garbage from the drains. “It is obvious that the WB will be a beneficiary in its
SWEEP program from the activity being carried out on the nullahs,” he said.
Karachi Neighbourhood Improvement Project. “KNIP. What happened in the Saddar project area?
Now you should say you won’t fund Saddar and take the loan back,” he said. The entire market and
informal vendors around Empress Market were razed to the ground in that case.
can desilt the nullahs but unless you ensure the exit points are clear, the water will still have nowhere
to go. “Where will it go? Why have you not spoken about these things?” He is referring to the outfall
in DHA, for example, where the Manzoor Colony-Mehmoodabad nullah ends. Its exit into the sea is
choked. Why did SWEEP not address that?
Jekyll and Hyde WB and the cunning state
Ciara Grunder The (Un)Making of Policy in the Shadow of the World Bank: Infrastructure Develop
ment, Urban Resettlement, and the Cunning State in India. And there is a book, Hypocrisy Trap:
The World Bank and the Poverty of Reform by Catherine Weaver.
talk, decision, and action”. Take the example of its $225 million loan for dam in Uganda in 2001
which violated numerous of the bank’s own policies: safeguards against the involuntary resettlement
of indigenous peoples, adequate assessment of the potential environmental impact, disclosure of
information, a proactive consultation with local “stakeholders” (i.e., the affected population). If you
ask the people who live along Gujjar, Orangi and Manzoor colony nullahs, you’ll hear the same story:
evictions, a lack of information sharing, no discussions with the people of the neighbourhood.
character of the Bank”. It “preaches sustainable, participatory, and accountable development while,
in practice, doing whatever is necessary to get big loans approved and out the door as quickly as
In this old OPP map you can see the Malir River branch off and form a little island marked Manzoor Colony. Image:
City Press
governments that it deals with. They are the ones, after all, who invite the bank in and take its loans.
It is here that the work of Shalini Randeria and Ciara Grunder is helpful.
They studied one project: the Mumbai Urban Transport project. It involved four groups, the World
Bank, the Mumbai Urban Transport Authority in the shape of the Maharashtra government, real estate
developers and NGOs. They found that “a proliferation of policy actors leads to a dispersal of power
and dilution of accountability”. People who suffered because of the project “seek in vain to hold the
state and the World Bank accountable for problems of resettlement”. In the case of Karachi’s nullah
cleaning exercise, the same is happening. This is why the Karachi Bachao Tehreek and JAC had to
write the WB to ask why its name was being used during the demolition drive.
together, Randeria and Grunder wrote. The World Bank took credit for the policy but not its implem-
entation. But most useful is their theory of the “cunning state” that makes it unaccountable to its
went to court. The same is happening here in Karachi. In the Mumbai project, new highways and
railway lines needed land from which people had to be removed.
displaced 200,000 people that it had to have a resettlement policy. The World Bank’s Operational
Policy has to be followed by any borrower for a project that removes people. It says those people need
to be consulted. Sally Falk Moore describes this as the command of aid conditionalities being couched
in the language of contract. She called it the dance of the donor and the dependent state.
Farmers protesting the Sardar Sarovar Dam in India. Source: DailyO.in
anyone evicted or displaced should be compensated. But the government did not want to help people
who it saw as “illegal encroachers” on land. This is exactly what has played out at Karachi’s nullahs.
The cunning state remains a central actor in selectively transposing neoliberal policies to the national
terrain and capitalises on its perceived weakness in order to render itself unaccountable to its citizens.
anything to do with its nullah cleaning. On Thursday, a handout from CM House announced that
the government would cough up the cash itself. There are 298 nullahs in seven districts of Karachi
which would be cleaned starting May 17. This will cost Rs316 million, of which the DMCs would
spend Rs119 million and the remaining amount Rs 197 million could have to come from the Sindh
The anti-encroachment drive will continue. Roughly 5,500 houses will be torn down.
Published in SAMAA By Sohail Rab Khan, Mahim Mehar May 06, 2021